Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ponyo and the Globe

Welcome fair reader,

Or nonexistent one, it doesn't matter much to me.

Last night I went with my friend Jessie to Ponyo. One of the best parts of prior to was the fact that I had no idea it was a miyazaki film until I was three minutes away on the bus.

The movie itself amazed me. Just the way the plot flowed seemlessly into the music and the animation was beautiful

Character development: the children were always accounted for and their decisions made sense. I wasn't sure why some of the adults made the drastic decisions they did, but I suppose that makes sense if its from a child's perspective. Because kids rarely understand why their parents do things, just that they do.

Plot: Something must be taken into account for the differences in story telling between the two cultures: Japanese and Westernized world. Things that we in Canada would expect to find out or discover by the end of a movie may not necessarily be an important point of interest in Japanese film making.

I found myself so caught up in the simplicity of the plot, for all of its fantastical interweavings. It was a love story at heart, and I enjoyed it very much.


Watching the movie at the Globe Cinema, Jessie and I were the only two in the theatre. Normally I would lament at the fact that the Globe is steadily losing popularity, but last night it was perfect. We could talk as loud as we wanted the whole time, and not be bothering anyone which really added to this movie. Everyone should watch Ponyo in a movie theatre with just one really good friend.

I can't wait to go again.

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