Saturday, April 2, 2011


I'm leaving for Peru Monday at noon. Its one of those last minute trips that happen because another last minute trip fell through. Sometimes the best experiences come out of failed plans.

I'm going alone. Nervous? Yes. Scared? No. Excited? HELL YES!!

The reactions I have been receiving from people have been mixed. Some are excited for me, but mostly I get the reaction of shock that I'm going on a trip by myself. Several people have asked me what James thinks. A few seem to want to do something similar on their own, but are too chicken.

Of course I wish James could come with me. We're partners in crime, and when I'm away from "home" I never really seem to feel like it. I suppose that corny old adage is true. I'm going to miss him and think about him all the time. It's perpetual: everything reminds me of something I want to discuss or share with him, and get his opinion on.

But he can't come. He's saving money for school. And most of my other friends aren't at a point in life where they can drop everything and a bunch of money to go on whimsical adventures around the globe. I worked my ass off to get to this point, and what should I do, wait around until someone holds my hand while we travel? Fuck no.

James is not possessive of my time. It's one of the things I love about our relationship. We love spending time together, but there is not a sense of jealousy when one is gone (granted, this took me a while to arrive at this point). He wants me to go and have adventures, and when we're able, we'll go together. He'll probably have some that I will be unable to follow on. And that's life. It makes life exciting and unique.

So I planned a trip to Peru when my trip to Mexico fell through. I am staying 7 days in Pisaq on a Shamanic retreat, then staying 2 in Cusco and going to Machu Picchu. I'm not going to be alone, because there are people everywhere. I will meet people on my retreat, then I will meet people in the hostel in Cusco. And honestly, it will probably force me to be less shy, and interact with people more.

Good things will come of this trip, I can feel it in my bones.

I can't wait.

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